Welcome Sister, to the Priestess of Light Mystery School
Our school is a beautiful collaboration between two soul sisters. Together we draw forth the heart light of Sophia to Earth, bringing deep soul alchemy on many levels to all that bless us with commitment.
We bring together the great pantheon of the Egyptian Mystery Schools, the mystical realms of Avalon, the magic of the Elemental Kingdom, and the vast Star Nations that support spiritual growth on our planet drawing forth a new light on soul transformation.
In an intimate and held container we will explore these energies together through two pillars, teaching and sharing with you the alchemical healing that will empower and guide you on your path. Together we will create a sacred sisterhood of women who are not afraid to be seen, to awaken their true voices and rise into the divine goddesses they are all destined to be.
This incredible offering is delivered online as a virtual training through pre-recorded teachings, beautiful PDFS and soulful transmissions, with the added bonus of a private soul mentoring session.
We look forward to walking this path with you.
An unspoken knowing that we are worthy of this journey.
the journey back to the goddess within.
What is a Priestess?
Across the ages the Priestess has presented her face in many guises. As a vessel of the Goddess she brought forth much magic to the communities in which she lived. As a healer, oracle and storyteller she shared her crafts with all who committed to the path. Weaving ritual and natural rhythms through the lives of her initiates.
Standing fully in her power as a sovereign being, living with joy and devotion to the Divine Mother, she enabled others to do the same. She passed down her teachings to those before her as the hands and voice of the Goddess Consciousness on earth.
As a Priestess of Light you will become an embodiment of the Goddess, you will learn to live in rhythm and understand the cyclical nature of all life. You will receive deep connection, unlock your innate wisdom and lead from a place of true love. You will offer your devotion and weave her divine essence through all that you do. You will be her shining light: a Priestess of Light.
“It is extremely difficult to put into words the journey that I have been on since stepping forth onto my training with the Priestess of Light Mystery school. As soon as I started the journey it felt so right. I wasn’t apprehensive or worried about what I had started.
Words cannot describe the bond that has been created between myself and the rest of the initiates and with dearest Helen and Rachael. I have felt totally held throughout my time at the school and that is truly unique.”
You are here because she is calling you.
You are right where you need to be.
Is the Priestess Path for me?
When we took our first steps along this path of light it was like coming home to something within us long forgotten. With each step we felt our beings coming back to completeness, instilling a deep sense of peace and quiet confidence in who we were.
The path of the priestess is not all rainbows and unicorns though, it asks of us to dig deep and show we are willing to commit fully to ourselves – this isn’t from a place of selfishness, this is from a place of trust. Trust in something bigger than ourselves, trust that we have all the answers we will ever need within. An unspoken knowing that we are worthy of this journey – the journey back to the goddess within.
It has been a slow process for us both which has taken us to the depths of our beings and back again. A purely intimate relationship with ourselves enabling us to align with our deepest thoughts, beliefs and inner knowledge. A surrender to the divinity within so all we have buried has been able to surface, the high priestess beneath all our earthly constraints, the light of our ancestors past, present and future, channelled through one being, channelled through one heart. The deepest instinct to practice our light and share with a generation of souls ready to rise.
This is how you’ll know whether the path is for you, as you go within and feel into your inner knowing uncovering your deepest wishes for your life. You will know without question that you are on the right path and you are ready to journey with the goddess back to the light of your soul.
You will know that this is not airy, fairy wonderings but deep teachings that will open the pathways within to what you have forgotten about who you are. An enabling as you grow into your purpose, remaining present and grounded with the tools to be the architect of your own existence.
The path of the priestess offers all this, she offers deep connection with the body, a deep trust in our intuition and our inner sense of the world around us. She offers the knowledge to live in rhythm with the natural cycles of our planet, ebbing and flowing with the tides of life with more grace and ease.
She offers the deepest spiritual support imbued in ancient ritual and the mysteries of pantheons gone by. She offers a sacred container in which you are held every step of the way as you transmute shadow into light and divine alchemy takes place. She offers all that she is through embodiment, activation and invocation. She opens her heart to you as you enter into the temple of the Priestess of Light and begin your initiation. She opens the doorway to the depths of your soul drawing all you have hidden back into the light.
You are here because she is calling you. You are right where you need to be.
Does the priestess light reside within me?
Ask yourself these questions:
- Do I choose to walk a path of service & devotion to myself?
- Do I choose to live in rhythm & ritual as part of my daily life?
- Do I naturally align to sacred ceremony & the art of holding space?
- Do I resonate with Goddesses gone by?
- Am I a sovereign light within this earthly incarnation?
This is what you will receive in this sacred container. As you walk through the Temple of Light and work through these teachings you will be guided into empowered service, recognising deeply that you are sovereign being in each and every moment. You will weave the natural rhythms and rituals into a sacred tapestry that will become your everyday existence.
Your soul is guiding you to remember that which you have forgotten.
It is time to answer the call, your sisters await you.
“This beautiful journey is one that I didn’t even know I needed but I’m so extremely happy and grateful that I took the step to join Helen and Rachael’s school. It’s made me look at life differently. I love how I now look at the world in a different way and it really has changed my life.”
What does the Priestess of Light Mystery School Include?
Priestess of Light Pre-Recorded Teachings
2 x Initiation Ceremonies
Private Facebook Group with Daily Support
1 x Private Soul Mentoring Session
Library of Channelled PDFs
Soulful Transmissions & Activations
Pillar I
Initiate of Light
5 Modules
Module 1
Roots & Foundation
Soulful Connections
Rhythm & Ritual
Altar Architecture
Overseen by
Angelic Council of Light & Gaia
Module 2
Awakening Anahata
Temple of the Heart
Cords of the Heart
Heal through your Tears
Overseen by
Mother Mary, Kuan Yin & Sophia
Module 3
Facing Your Fears
Embracing the Dark
Light up the Shadows
Temple of Kali-Ma
Healing the Void – Soul Rebirth
Overseen by
Kali-Ma & Durga
Module 4
Unknotting the Soul
Enter the Valley
Offering to the Goddess
Temple of Sekhmet
Overseen by
Sekhmet, Bastet & Mary Magdalene
Module 5
Honouring our Soul Lineage
Honouring our Light
Honouring our Shadow
Honouring the Goddess Within
Initiation Ceremony
Overseen by
The Goddess Consciousness
Pillar II
Priestess of Light
5 Modules
Module 1
Building the Light body
Embodying your Inner Priestess
Holding the Light
Temple of Eden
Overseen by
Eden & Gaian Council of Light
Module 2
Star Connections
Stellar Healing
Temple of the Stars
Legacy of Light
Overseen by
Tara, Isis & the Star Nations
Module 3
Soul Empowerment
Temple of Manifestation
Igniting your Solar Radiance
Temple of Manipura
Overseen by
Brighid, Freya & Sekhmet Ra
Module 4
Soul Retrieval
Ancestral Clearing
Alchemising the Shadows
Living in Sovereignty
Overseen by
Kali, Hathor & Hekate
Module 5
Embodied Presence
Art of Holding Space
Sacred Leadership
Living your Legacy
Overseen by
The Goddess Consciousness
Payment options:
“The Initiate of Light course has been amazing for me. It has brought together all that I have been looking for, bringing my meditative and spiritual sides together.
I have learnt so much living daily as a priestess in training. Helen and Rachael have built an amazing platform for this course. Nothing is too much for them, they give 100 percent always, they never judge and they encourage you every single step of the way.”
You will receive deep connection, unlock your
innate wisdom and lead from a place of true love.
Meet the Women behind the Priestess of Light
Helen Gray
As a passionate soul alchemist for over 10 years Helen loves to weave magickal practices together to bring forth deep transformation. Through the weaving of the elements, the ancient teachings of the rose and the songs of the stars, as well as living in rhythm with the Wheel of the Year and cycles of the moon, Helen teaches how to mirror the qualities and energies of heaven and earth to help us live a more balanced and energised life.
Helen transmits starlight transmissions and crystalline sound waves to all who step into her Moon Temple and the sacred healing with her seasonal ceremonies. In connection with the cosmic & elemental rhythms Helen will assist you to radically heal more easily. She is a holder of the multidimensional frequencies and a sacred weaver of etheric space to support women to come into deeper alignment with their divine path and although she has now moved out of the holding of The Temple of Light she is still an intrinsic part of its rebirth in this lifetime.
Through this sacred tapestry of healing modalities deep soul alchemy takes place. An awakening and opening to endless possibilities. Through working with Helen and all energies within you will begin to cultivate this intimate relationship with your true self, your body and ultimately with our beautiful planet. When this alchemical process takes place transformation is inevitable.
Rachael Staples
Rachael is an Elven Rose Elder, Soul Mentor and Pure Channel of Source Light. She is a holder of sacred space and wisdom keeper of truth. As a guide to women and men alike, she brings them into soul remembrance and healing, drawing them back to heart resonance.
Rachael channels the light of the stars, sings the songs of the rose and intuitively draws forth many ancient modalities down to earth to support the spiritual evolution of mankind. Through deep energy clearance at a soul level and cellular purification, she communicates one deep and simple teaching: “We are the masters of our own mind, body and soul. Therefore we are our own greatest healer.”
Rachael brings with her a wealth of experience and knowledge drawing on her many lifetimes as an embodiment of the Goddess and a conduit for the rose consciousness. Through her deep devotion to the divinity in all beings, she is a mighty spiritual container, holding space for all as they transform.
Within The Temple of Light, Rachael and Helen collaborate as a unity of the Rose Line. All they bring is a pure emanation of the divine rose mother lineage in all her forms. Only truth resounds here. The stories told are reformed through the purity of their channels of light. All who enter here are forever transformed.
She offers the deepest spiritual support imbued in ancient
ritual and the mysteries of pantheons gone by.
Priestess of Light Blessing
Calling forth the Priestesses of Light across the ages,
Stepping from the inner plains flowing forth.
Hastening in a new beginning,
The dawning of collective soul rebirth.
The threshold of deep spiritual growth,
Surrounding each and every being,
Holding close each sacred soul.
Blessed be the Divine Feminine within,
Surrendering now to this deep renewal.
Rising strong from profound soul transformation,
Honouring all we have become.
And so it is.
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