Welcome dearest souls to the etheric planes of The Temple of Light.

A sacred portal into our divine offerings, a gateway into the realms of our soul creations.

Together as a unity of soul sisters, we bring forth our life’s work, our blessed teachings, our ancient wisdom. Through many lifetimes we have worked to ground the grids and templates of the true rose lineage. The Essene Line steps forth through us to anchor these truths once more.

Within this space we bring together all that we are and all that the medicine of the rose offers.

May this temple space serve you well.

With love and devotion,

Rachael & Helen x

Follow your path

The Etheric Apothecary

Etheric Womb

"The medicine of the rose is for those who know."


card readings

Tea at the Temple

Journey to the Temple

We are now live on YouTube as The Temple of Light UK, please subscribe to our channel to be kept up to date with all of our offerings.

Goddess Sessions


9am – 10:30am
11am – 12:30pm
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7pm – 8:30pm
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upcoming events, courses, workshops and retreats

  • Autumn Equinox Retreat Day
    Location : Burton Constable Hall, Skirlaugh, East Yorkshire
    Sunday 22nd September 2024
  • The Sanctuary Sessions
    Location : The Silver Moon Shop, Southgate, Hornsea, HU18 1AL
    Friday 6th September
    Learn More
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Meet the Women behind The Temple of Light

Helen Gray

As a passionate soul alchemist for over 10 years Helen loves to weave magickal practices together to bring forth deep transformation. Through the weaving of the elements, the ancient teachings of the Goddess and the songs of the stars, as well as living in rhythm with the Wheel of the Year and cycles of the moon, Helen teaches how to mirror the qualities and energies of heaven and earth to help us live a more balanced and energised life.

Helen transmits starlight transmissions and crystalline sound waves to all who step into The Sanctuary Sessions and the sacred healing she steps into in collaboration with Rachael. In connection with the cosmic rhythms Helen will assist you to radically heal more easily. She is a holder of the multidimensional frequencies and a sacred weaver of etheric space to support women to come into deeper alignment with their divine path.

Through this sacred tapestry of healing modalities deep soul alchemy takes place. An awakening and opening to endless possibilities. Through working with Helen and all energies within The Temple of Light you will begin to cultivate this intimate relationship with your true self, your body and ultimately with our beautiful planet. When this alchemical process takes place transformation is inevitable.

Rachael Staples

Rachael is an Elven Rose Elder, Soul Mentor and Pure Channel of Source Light. She is a holder of sacred space and wisdom keeper of truth. As a guide to women and men alike, she brings them into soul remembrance and healing, drawing them back to heart resonance.

Rachael channels the light of the stars, sings the songs of the rose and intuitively draws forth many ancient modalities down to earth to support the spiritual evolution of mankind. Through deep energy clearance at a soul level and cellular purification, she communicates one deep and simple teaching: “We are the masters of our own mind, body and soul. Therefore we are our own greatest healer.”

Rachael brings with her a wealth of experience and knowledge drawing on her many lifetimes as an embodiment of the Goddess and a conduit for the rose consciousness. Through her deep devotion to the divinity in all beings, she is a mighty spiritual container, holding space for all as they transform.

Within The Temple of Light, Rachael and Helen collaborate as a unity of the Rose Line. All they bring is a pure emanation of the divine rose mother lineage in all her forms. Only truth resounds here. The stories told are reformed through the purity of their channels of light. All who enter here are forever transformed.

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