Welcome to the Temple of the Divine Oracle
Within this space the Divine Oracle steps forth as a conduit of time, light, love & truth in service of your path. A sacred temple space within that opens to welcome in the higher guidance of the Divine that wishes to flow forth for you at this time.
At the heart of these healing readings lies the wisdom of ages, a divine soul light linking us to all that has been, all that is and all that will be. Divinity in all its forms pulses through all things revealing the mysteries locked within. As Rachael taps into this incredible vortex of power she connects with the truth at the heart of life as you know it.
As your Guides step forth for you, she will open to receive their wisdom, bringing through a direct channel, personal to you using any tools of divination she is called to tap into. This may be within trance, oracle or tarot cards, runes or Ogham, crystal devas or plant elders – divinity in its many forms. Each channelled reading is done distantly or via zoom and is unique, solely aligned with your energies in the moment.
A channelled reading is an opening, an invitation from your heart to the divine to receive that which will serve your highest soul growth.
As you enter into this you will feel deeply as the Divine unlocks ancient codes of awakening within you. You will be asked to let go and surrender, trusting fully into yourself as you step into a higher expression of who you came here to be.
You may feel deep emotional release and this is perfectly normal as you are rebuilt into your truest form. Be really gentle with yourself, give yourself time to process and digest what is being asked of you.
You will only receive that which your soul is asking for, so lean into all your self-care practices as this activates through your life.
You will receive:
Carefully woven sacred space to hold your higher guidance
A beautiful recorded audio within 28 days of purchase
Photos of any forms of divination used in your session
Follow up Q&A via email to support integration if desired
"The Inner Oracle is always here, we just need to open to her wisdom."